lunedì 26 agosto 2019


This cocktail was born as a blank modification of the Negroni Sbagliato (Wrong Negroni), hence the name as abbreviation that indicates its characteristic: Negroni Sbagliato Albino (White Wrong Negroni).

It’s lighter because the white bitter is non-alcoholic.


1/3 (3 cl – 1 oz) of white vermouth bianco

1/3 (3 cl – 1 oz) of white bitter

1/3 (3 cl – 1 oz) of dry sparkling wine or Prosecco

1 slice of lemon


Pour vermouth and bitter directly into old-fashioned glass filled with ice, add the dry sparkling wine and stir gently with a stirrer spoon. Garnish with a slice of lemon.

Ricetta in italiano

domenica 25 agosto 2019

Cold cappuccino

Why give up the pleasure of a good cappuccino in the height of the summer? Just prepare the cold version ...


2,5 cl of espresso (coffee)

12,5 cl of milk froth (as in cappuccino)

q.s. of unsweeted cocoa powder


Prepare the milk froth with a shaker or a jar shaking vigorously, with or without ice. You can use also a Coffee Plunger (French press) to prepare milk froth making up and down with plunger.

Put a cold espresso (coffee) in a cup, then fill with milk froth, top with a dusting of cocoa on customer request.

This recipe is in my (Italian) book « Il marketing nel bicchiere – L’arte di vendere emozioni » (Marketing in the glass), published by Morrone Editore.

Book trailer (IT)